Our team(s) and their Bees
Our group is composed of researchers working together from both government and academia. This includes USDA ARS – Beltsville, MD; Logan, UT; Fargo, ND; Hilo, HI; Stoneville, MS; Peoria, IL. Collaborators – University of Illinois, Utah State University, Pennsylvania State University, Princeton University, Brock University, University of California Riverside, and many more!
Symphyotrichum species, Halesia tetraptera,Photo byUSGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab via Flickr. Public Domain.
Project Leaders
Project Leaders
Computational Leaders
Computational Leaders
Species/Taxonomy Leaders
Species/Taxonomy Leaders
Our Team of Collaborators
Our Team of Collaborators
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany
Join the team
Join the team
Reach out to us at Beenome100@usda.gov